July 1, 2016

Going Overboard in Target

I think every teacher in the history of the world can empathize with this:  I went to the store to buy one thing - ONE THING - and I left with many more things than that!

It all started with an alphabet mat.  A while back, I was shopping for toys with my cousin and her 4 year old, when I noticed this awesome foam mat with bright, colorful alphabet letters.  Immediately I pictured it in an adorable little reading nook in my (at that time) imaginary classroom.  So, needless to say now that I have my own classroom for next year I just had to go back!
But of course, walking in the door, I come face to face with the dollar bins jammed full of awesome stuff for my new classroom!  There were pencils, and notepads, cute little metal pails, stickers, binder clips, banners, white boards and 100 more things!

As a walked through the store looking for said alphabet mat (so glad I found it!) I stumbled upon some $3 puzzles as well.  I love puzzles!  They are great for exercising your brain and building up your visual spatial reasoning skills plus they are fun!  These ones are perfect for my little firsties, they are 18 in by 24 in and have anywhere from 24 to 48 pieces with this cute movie designs!  They will LOVE them!

As I think about all of the pieces that I want to come together in my classroom I find myself thinking back to classrooms that I have been in that meant something to me.  I can't help but think about my 5th grade classroom when I was a youngster. One of the awesome things my teacher did was put puzzles out on the back table for when we finished our work early.  Being the over achiever that I was, I always finished early and loved working on the puzzles in the back of the room.  So it seemed like a no-brainer to have puzzles available in my new 1st grade classroom for my little balls of energy!

Lastly, I saw wooden letters and it reminded me of a very cute reading nook that I stumbled upon on Pinterest a while back, and who doesn't love a primary classroom that is literacy rich everywhere you look.  So, TA-DA!
Now all I have to do is paint them up to match my bookcase.  The beautiful bookcase that my amazing husband whipped up for me this winter.  I love the color and quote more every time I look at it!  I mean, who doesn't fall in love with the eloquent Dr. Seuss!?
The letters have been painted!  Loving it!!