June 30, 2016

First in First

Gahh!! Big news in my world: this year will be my first year in First Grade!  For the last 4 years I have worked as a special education teacher working in Co-Teaching classrooms.  Now, I will be starting a bright new adventure in my own classroom!

This is BIG! and amazing! and maybe a little scary...

Our school has an awesome tradition of "Moving Up Day" at the end of each year where our students get to meet their next-year's-teacher.  Meeting my little cherubs for next year on the last day of school was so exciting!  Those little tiny balls of energy were so energetic... and tiny... and adorable!  Last year I was working in a 4th grade classroom - this year 1st grade - that will be a definite culture shock for me.  Everyone says, "They are babies when they start" and "They are still Kindergarteners".  *anxiety attack*   Everyone also says, "They make SOO much growth in First Grade." and "It's amazing how much they learn just 10 months!"

Excited with a healthy dose of anxiety is the best way I can describe it, so.... Let's make like the Gallup that I am and "Gallup" into First Grade.  "Run like the wind Bullseye!"

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